About this blog

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In this blog, I will try to provide the world with the latest information on “psychotropic drugs under development” and “research in the mental field” by referring to research papers and news articles.

I would like to convey the process of overcoming mental illness through medicine.

I write from the standpoint of a person who is suffering from the disease. I try every day to make it as easy to understand as possible.

I want to accurately convey promising information in this field. I would like to write for people suffering from mental illness who seem to have lost hope about the future.

On March 6, 2022, Dr. Haruo Okado, a senior researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, became a recommender for this blog. Researcher Information

I received a compliment from Dr. Haruo Okado, who said, “Your blog is marvelous!” Thank you very much.

Please look forward to the future of this blog, which is currently in a growth phase.

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